UFO Apprentice Program Market America® March 3, 2010 Unfranchise® USA & Canada

Effective March 3, 2010, the UnFranchise® Owner (UFO) Apprentice Program will be launched in the U.S. and Canada.


The UFO Apprentice Program allows Independent Distributors to enroll up to five of their registered Preferred Customers as Apprentices. Apprentices are individuals who desire to become qualified Market America Independent Distributors but do not currently have the funds necessary to get started. Each enrolled Apprentice will be awarded three Business Development Centers (BDCs) and placed in the organization as determined by the sponsoring Distributor. The Apprentice will continue to purchase ma-branded and Partner Store products through their sponsor's Web Portal. The net retail profit from ma-branded products purchased will be credited to the Apprentice's Credit On Account (COA) to be used to convert them from an Apprentice into a qualified Distributor. The Business Volume (BV) and Incentive Business Volume (IBV) created by ma-branded and Partner Store product purchases will be assigned to the Apprentice's BDC-001 and flow up the genealogy as normal. In addition, the Apprentice can refer others to their sponsor's Web Portal to shop the Mall without Walls™ and Partner Stores.
The Apprentice will receive the net retail profit from the ma-branded product purchases, which will be deposited to their COA to speed up the process of becoming a qualified Independent Distributor. The BV and IBV created by these referral purchases will also be assigned to the Apprentice's BDC-001 and will flow up the genealogy. To receive credit for purchases made by referrals, all the Apprentice needs to do is direct customers to their sponsor's Web Portal address and have them register as PCs. When the new customer is asked who referred them to the Web Portal, make sure they enter the UFO Apprentice's e-mail address. This must be the same e-mail address that was used by the Apprentice when they enrolled in the UFOA program. The more referrals made by the Apprentice, the more quickly they will accumulate the funds they need to get started as a qualified Independent Distributor, and the more BV/IBV is generated for their sponsor. In addition, with each purchase made by the Apprentice they will earn up to 35 percent cash back! They will also earn ½ percent cash back on all of their referred PC purchases. Don't forget that referred PCs will earn cash back for every qualifying purchase they make and purchases made by individuals they refer!
When the UFO Apprentice decides to convert to a qualified Independent Distributor and sets up their own Web Portal, all their referred PCs will also be assigned to the new Web Portal and become their PCs. The result? Upon becoming a qualified Independent Distributor, the Apprentice will already have — or be very close to achieving — Base 10 from the very start of their UnFranchise business.
For more details on this exciting new program: USE contact info on this blog or  
