Your search for "eco-friendly" results.
Making environmentally friendly changes for your home & garden and vehicles can mean big savings in your wallet. Search “eco-friendly” on to see the many green ways to save.
Tips to go green a
- Set the thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer to save heating and cooling costs.
- Install compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs).
- Unplug unused appliances, shut off computers and use a "smart" power strip that senses when appliances are off and cuts "phantom" energy use.
- Lower water heater temperature. Wash clothes in cold water when possible.
- Take shorter showers to reduce water use. Lower water and heating bills too.
- Save on fuel costs with regular car maintenance, properly inflated tires and fuel enhancer products which help increase mileage from your vehicle.
- No more bottles! Use a water filter to purify tap water. Saves money for you and space in landfills.
- Purchase energy star appliances to reduce water and energy use.
- Use concentrated cleaners – dilute and save time, money and space.
- Buy local produce, visit Farmer’s markets or grow your own fruits and vegetables.