This is far away from my normal post. Not about money or products! Just about some fun and plants.
To sustain your verbenas over long periods consider propagating a few extras. Here's what I do. Take a two node or more cutting and drop it in water. Wait a couple days for roots to form then pot it up! Complicated right? Not at all!
this is what Is SUPPOSED to happen , will let you know. I have the Purple that is large enough for me to trim and root. My Red is too tender at this time to do this.
NEXT..............I read to try it this way......maybe I will do both.
Let's See What I can do?
I just read this note below and going to give it a try on Monday
Propagating Verbena
To sustain your verbenas over long periods consider propagating a few extras. Here's what I do. Take a two node or more cutting and drop it in water. Wait a couple days for roots to form then pot it up! Complicated right? Not at all!
this is what Is SUPPOSED to happen , will let you know. I have the Purple that is large enough for me to trim and root. My Red is too tender at this time to do this.
NEXT..............I read to try it this way......maybe I will do both.
Step 1
Take stem tip cuttings from the plants anytime during the growing season, according to Fine Gardening online. Before taking the cuttings, fill the pots with the potting mix until the mix is an inch from the rim of the pot.Step 2
Remove the bottom set of leaves with the scissors. Cut the stem just below where the bottom leaves were cut off. Dip the plant in the rooting hormone, making sure to cover the cuts you've made on the stem with the hormone. Although rooting hormone products aren't toxic, Steve Silk, writing for Fine Gardening online, recommends using plastic gloves while performing this step.Step 3
Make a hole with the tip of your index finger about an inch deep. Set the cutting in the hole, pushing down lightly. Push the soil around the stem to give stability to the cutting. Set the pots with your cuttings into a sink filled with water to about an inch deep. When the soil is moist, let the water drain.Step 4
Place the cuttings outside in a shady location. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. After about two weeks, the cuttings will begin to root into the soil. When you feel some resistance when gently pulling on the stem, the plants have rooted. Steve Silk recommends getting the plants used to more sun and wind for three days before planting in the garden. Prune the tips of the plants to encourage a full-looking plant.Verbenas
VerbenaThis plant is bee heaven, and it looks pretty heavenly in the border too! It is primarily grown for its flowers, which appear on the tips of tall, branching stems from mid summer to early autumn. The tightly packed maroon-purple buds gradually open to reveal dainty purple-pink blooms along the slender flowerspikes. The plant has a stately and elegant appearance and it looks equally at home planted with grasses in a prairie style scheme, or holding its own in a mixed border. Garden care: Protect plants in winter with a dry winter mulch around the crown. |
Verbena Bonariensis PlantsThese incredible plants produce a profusion of tall, wiry stems carrying tufts of tiny, purplish-blue flowers that bring a soft and airy feel to your displays. And the show goes on for months! Height 100cm (3¼'). Prefers full sun. |
Verbena Peaches & CreamAn excellent performer with a tendency to keep flowering through heat and rain. The flower color of Verbena Peaches & Cream is quite delightful with a unique pastel shade that opens bright orange at the center, fades through deep coral to salmon-rose, to salmon-pink and all the way to dusty cream. Beautiful at all stages. Plants are more upright in habit than most varieties. |
Verbena Pink ParfaitServe up a floral dessert on your summer patio with this sensational, scented verbena. The plants produce large heads of multicolor florets, in mouthwatering shades that range from candy-pink to raspberry red, literally smother the foliage. Enjoy the fragrant cascades of Verbena Pink Parfait around your home and patio as they tumble from baskets, Flower Pouches™ and pots in a floral waterfall from June to October. Trailing 18-24 inches. |
Verbena Quartz Waterfall Drench your borders and containers with color this summer! This outstanding mix of lavender-blue, purple and white shades is a superb garden performer. It has a spreading, mounded habit, produces a carpet of giant blooms, and not only stands up to summer drought, but can also tolerate a light autumn frost - amazing! Height 25-30cm (10-12"). Ideal for beds and borders, patio pots and containers. Prefers full sun. |
Verbena Speciosa Moon RiverAn exciting new color in container Verbenas, plants are clothed throughout summer in rich lavender blue flowers. Half Hardy Annual; Excellent for containers. Sow February to April. Prefers well drained, moist soils in full sun. Flowers early summer. Spread up to 36cm (18in). |
Verbena Strawberry Kiss PlantsA vigorous hardy verbena providing excellent groundcover in beds as well as tumbling over the sides of containers and baskets. Enjoy the fragrant, multicolored blooms every summer! Height 40cm (16"). Full growing instructions included. Late April/Early May Prefers full sun or partial shade. |
Verbena Temari BurgundyVerbena Temari Burgundy has stunning dark pink-purple flower heads with contrasting green fern-like foliage. These look gorgeous in containers on the patio or in hanging baskets where their bold color will certainly make an eye-catching display. |
Verbena Trailing TapienThis is a vast improvement over other verbena varieties, producing many more bright flowers on compact, tightly knit foliage. Tapien's® excellent weather tolerance means it will flower all summer and well into the autumn, making a super specimen plant on its own in a basket, or as part of a mixed basket where it will invariably steal the show! Collections comprise of five lovely colors: pink, pink parfait, purple, white and sky blue. Trailing. Prefers full sun. |
Verbena VeloxInnovative new hybrid between Verbena and Phlox. Verbena Velox is mildew resistant and longer flowering then other Verbenas. An absolute world novelty. Continuous flowering abundance, trailing growth habit. Loves sunny positions. |
Let's See What I can do?