Psoriasis, eczema, Hodgkin’s disease and lymphoid cancer share connection. Ultimate Aloe® and OPC-3®

Mast cells are part of our immune system and jump into action when an allergic reaction occurs. An irritant or foreign substance will trigger the release of antibodies, which attach themselves to mast cells. When the irritant comes into contact with the antibody the mast cell erupts, releasing proteins and histamine that, in turn, cause swelling, itching, and/or congestion.
People with high inflammatory symptoms, like those found in psoriasis, eczema, and lymphoid cancers have high levels of mast cells and another immune system protein called CD30. CD30 is a protein found in T-lymphocyte white blood cells. A study done by the Karolinska Institute discovered that CD30 can stimulate mast cell production in healthy skin cells. So the presence of CD30 may trigger an inflammatory mast cell response on its own.
Another elevated protein found in psoriasis and many cancer sufferers is C-reactive protein. C-reactive proteins indicate general levels of inflammation in the body. Infections and many types of long term disease, including heart disease, also generate lots of C-reactive proteins.
Incomplete protein digestion may contribute to the cycle of irritants entering the bloodstream, which in-turn can set the stage for mast cell production, elevated CD30, C-reactive proteins and other inflammatory responses.
Some natural approaches to address with this cycle is reducing processed foods and increasing digestive enzymes, vitamin D, vitamin A, zinc, Omega-3 fish oils, aloe vera, and glutathione precursors.
Glutathione is a naturally occuring antioxidant which is produced within the cells of our bodies providing protection against toxins. Lack of glutathione is seen in virtually every instance of disease, including multiple sclerosis.
Glutathione can only be internally generated, so it is important to ingest supplements which will stimulate glutathione production. Vitamin D3, vitamin K, pycnogenol, alpha-lipoic acid, curcumin, resveratrol, B vitamins, and L-tryptophan all stimulate the cellular production of glutathione.
Moderate amounts of sunshine are also advised.
SKIN ISSUES---I have personally seen people helped with the OPC-3 and Ultimate Aloe product. If you have interest in the regimen they followed, PLEASE use my contact button.